He stops all nice gestures, pouts and eventually has an affair rather than being nice to his partner.
He's getting a bit old now to have never figured out how to navigate the slowing down of sex as a relationship progresses. y'know 'gotta earn brownie points with the gf' Like why do they act surprised when women actually fit a well known stereotype of needing a lil romancing to get in the mood? I dated a guy who (I can see now in hindsight) had a pattern of just throwing a fit whenever the full on honeymoon period ended.
He's complaining about something that most men figure out and joke about very early on in adult life. men still run to reddit rather than just doing the things they've been asked to work on. No matter how clearly they communicate the issue and spell out how to fix it. >1030607 So much of DB is just overstressed moms and wives who feel more like a mommy to their partner than a romantic partner.